We already know San Jose taxi drivers are not to be trusted. Managua unfortunately is worse. The driver of my Transnica bus informed me of this. When we arrived in Managua he told me to go with him and his trusted taxi friend. I found this shady as well, but it seemed better than the other option of standing at the bus station at 9 at night waiting for the other taxi wolves to attack. The driver took me to pleasant enough Managua Backpackers Inn for a honest price of 5 dollars...
I survived a night there, which was only (literally) dampened by finding my backpack soaked the next day due to the rain that had came through the half-opened window. Rainy season in Central America is a real bitch. After handling some hostel business with the manager I left the place for a Couchsurfer, and with a lovely German girl I kidnapped from the hostel we became three.
Have I said that enough? After finding the Couchsurfer's house we spent the rest of the day at the mall, which has the best thing in Nicaragua for Americans: modern air-conditioning. This was followed by a night out at various bars where I discovered the most dangerous part of Managua: Lesbian Bar Fights:
These women scared me. Those are women - although its hard to tell. Several beer bottles were thrown about and one lucky girl got a chair smashed over her head during the melee. We stayed incognito in the corner while this fight went on. No point in having the gringo draw attention to himself.
Next time I'll stay inside and just drink Flor de Cana and Tona beer. No, really, I would never stay inside when the club is calling. Ya bailamos! Dance all night, and salud, bitches!